
トラブル生活に見舞われている最中は何度も日本に帰りたいと思っていましたが、どうしても帰れない理由が一つありました。それはオランダ発祥の音楽「Hardcore」「Gabber Music」というジャンルに惚れ込み、なんとか日本にその面白さを届けたいという思いがあったからです。私はオランダに来てこの音楽に出会い、唯でさえ不安定な人生が、更に加速してしまった感はありますが、「Hardcoreの魅力とは?」「どうして人をここまで虜にするのか?」カルチャー的な要素も含めて少しづつQeticを通して伝えていきたいと思っています。一番最初に記事にさせて頂くのは「Hardcore」の野外フェスBig3と呼ぶに相応しい<Dominator>、<Defqon.1>、<Groundzero>の野外フェスについて「前篇、後編」の2部で伝えていきたいと思っています。

First, because this is my inaugural article, I’d like to introduce myself. Two years ago, after managing to be dismissed by the IT company for which I worked as a businessman in Japan, I immigrated to the Netherlands to escape daily depression and a bleak outlook. I could not have scripted the kind of trouble I encountered after immigrating. I had trouble finding employment, was in a lawsuit regarding housing issues, had my cash stolen by a thief, was in a car accident, lived in a share-home with foreigners, and lost my home so that I had to live in a four-and-a-half square meter living space. These two years I’ve spent in the Netherlands have been filled with daily laughter and trouble of which I could not have gotten a taste in Japan. None of the above is exaggerated. I have since found my way out of that situation and have been enjoying the incredibly pleasant and thrilling experience of starting a company in the Netherlands since August, 2015.

I currently conduct business in the Netherlands by photographing various festivals and events as a I thought about returning to Japan on many occasions amid the troubles, but there was one reason why I simply couldn’t go back. I was fascinated by the musical genres of Dutch origin called “Hardcore” and “Gabber Music,” and wanted to find a way to bring their entertainment to Japan. Although I do feel as though my already unstable existence has come to accelerate even more, I would like to gradually convey through Qetic what the appeal of Hardcore is and why it captivates people so, as well as introduce its cultural elements. What I’d like to write about first are what can be referred to as the Big 3 of outdoor festivals: “Dominator,” “Defqon.1” and “Groundzero,” which I will cover in two parts.

SuperBadMidiBreaksとの遭遇!? in Dominator2015

まず最初にご紹介する<Dominator>というフェスはオランダのHardcoreフリークなら知らない人は間違いなくいない。メインの馬鹿でかい広場にはバイクをモチーフにしたステージが聳え立っており、入り口には美女が馬に乗ってお出迎いをしてくれる。いきなりでこれだから<Dominator>は際立っているイベントとヒシヒシと感じた。そしてスピーカーからは圧倒的な爆音とベース音がスピーカーからうねり声をあげていた。会場には空中ブランコ、メリーゴーランド、バンジージャンプ、不気味な仮装をした男達と、上半身裸の男(定番)がいたりと完全にカオスの世界である。今回の<Dominator>は全8ステージ。Hardcoreと言ってもジャンルも様々で「Harddance」、「Hardstyle」、「speedcore」、「Frenchcore」、「Terror」、「Drum&bass core」と多岐に渡っている。メインステージではオランダのHardcoreをシーンを牽引する達が勢揃い。白いマスクマン「Angerfist」、美女でセクシーな「Miss K8」、そして9月に来日をした「UNEXIST」。日本のロックフェスで例えるなら「矢沢永吉」「YMO」「ミスチル」みたいな感じか? 言えるのは錚々たるメンバーが顔を揃えていること。しかし今回、一番のニュースは別にある。オランダのHardcore仲間から「日本人でヤバイDJが<Dominator>にくるぞ! Atsushi,You should check」と言われていた。そう、日本でHardcoreシーンを引っ張ってきた「SuperBadMidiBreaks(以下、SBMB)」の代表Kousei Muraki氏が<Dominator>の為に、仲間と共に来蘭したのである。今回、初顔合わせのSBMBのメンバーと濃ゆい波瀾万丈な時間を過ごしたが、ハプニングとドキドキな時間の連続であった。

The first festival I’ll introduce is Dominator, which any Dutch Hardcore freak will undoubtedly know. A stage built in a motorcycle motif towers above the ridiculously large main hall, and beautiful women astride horses greet you at the entrance. I strongly felt as though the unexpectedness of the two is what makes Dominator such a prominent event. The overwhelming sounds of roaring and bass thundered from the speakers. With a floating swing set, a merry-go-round, bungee jumping, men in eerie costumes and half-naked men (a staple), the grounds formed a complete world of chaos. Dominator had a total of eight stages this year. There are various genres within hardcore, and with Harddance, Hardstyle, Speedcore, Frenchcore, Terror and Drum & Bass core, they are wide-ranging. Those who form the driving force behind the Dutch Hardcore scene were lined up on the main stage: the white-masked “Angerfist,” the beautiful and sexy “Miss K8” and “UNEXIST,” who visited Japan in September. When expressed in terms of Japanese rock festivals, they are perhaps comparable to Yazawa Eikichi, YMO and Mr. Children. What’s certain is that the prominent members were all present. But that is not the main news item on this occasion. You see, my Dutch hardcore friend said, “An amazing, Japanese DJ will come to Dominator! Atsushi, you should check!” Indeed, Kousei Muraki, representative for the leaders of the Japanese Hardcore scene, “SuperBadMidiBreaks” (hereafter SBMB), has come to the Netherlands with his friends for Dominator. The time we shared was intimate, stormy and eventful, and was a continuation of happenings and thrills.

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_12

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_11

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_5

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_10

今回、Muraki氏がステージにあがったのはHardcoreでもテンポが早い「Terrorステージ」。オランダでもコアな層が好んで踊りにくる。Muraki氏がステージに立ち、そして音をかける。早い時間だった為、Terrorステージは人もそこそこであったが、オランダのコアなファンが徐々に集まってきてコサックダンスに似た特有のダンス「Gabber dance」を踊り始めたのである。私は必死にその表情をカメラで追いかけた。観客からも「あいつは何者だ!」「どこの国から来たのだ!」「かっこいい音だ」と話しかけられた。正直、自分の事の様に嬉しかった。そしてMuraki氏がDJ終盤には雄叫びをあげて手を掲げた。その瞬間、オーディエンスがより一層、ヒートアップして踊り、そして笑顔になっていった。私は歓声を目の前にして「感動と鳥肌」が襲ってきた。私はオランダに来て2年間、一人でHardcoreのイベントに顔を出して「写真撮らせてくれ」とイベントに潜り込んでいた。少しづつ色々なGabber(友達、仲間)が増えていった。そして自分が好きになったHardcoreから<Dominator>という最高峰の場所で写真を撮り、そして日本人のGabber DJと同じ時間を共有出来たのである。Muraki氏のプレイ後、多くの人だかりが出来て一緒に写真を求められていた。オランダでは素晴らしいプレイをした後、DJの栄誉を讃えて「Hero」と呼ばれる。Muraki氏も間違いなく「Hero」であったと確信している。Muraki氏と「<Dominator>やHardcoreの素晴らしさをもっと日本に伝えていこう」と話した。その時にした話がやっと記事に出来た。本当に多くの方にお礼を言いたい。先ずは第一歩進んだ気持ちでいる。

The stage that Muraki climbed was the “terror stage,” which is fast-paced even for Hardcore standards. His core supporters came to dance even in the Netherlands. Muraki stood on stage and played music. It was still early, and attendance was moderate, but his Dutch core fans gradually gathered and began to do the “Gabber dance,” a characteristic dance that resembles Hopak. I fervently pursued their expressions with my camera. Attendees began to ask questions: “Just who is that guy!?” “What country did he come from!?” “What a cool sound.” I was sincerely happy for him. For the final round, Muraki put up his hands and let out a war cry. That moment, the audience’s dancing heated up even more, and they smiled. As I witnessed their cheering I was overcome with excitement and got goosebumps. I have spent two years in the Netherlands appearing at Hardcore events by myself and infiltrating them with requests to let me take pictures. Over time my Gabbers (friends, allies) steadily increased in number. And now, I’ve photographed the pinnacle of Hardcore that is Dominator and have been able to spend time with Japanese Gabber DJs. After Muraki’s session, a large crowd assembled and asked to take pictures with him. In the Netherlands, DJs are praisingly referred to as “heroes” after an excellent performance. I believe that Muraki, too, was undoubtedly a hero. I talked with him about conveying to Japan how wonderful Dominator and Hardcore are. And now I’m finally able to turn what we discussed into an article. I am truly grateful to many people. I feel as though I have taken my first step forward.

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_22

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_21

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_16

オランダの爆音に踊った夏 Hardcore 野外Festival 2015 最前線:前篇 A Summer of Dancing to Dutch Blasts Hardcore Outdoor Festival 2015
The Frontline: Part I music151021_hardcore_17
